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Lori Ann Mount
Jan 30, 1970 - June 17, 2011
On Friday, June 17th, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Lori succumbed to her injuries due to respiratory and cardiac arrest the previous Monday evening. Lori had been living with asthma for a long time, and it was well managed, but this attack was nothing like anything she had ever experienced.

While Geoffrey and I were at Scouts, Lori called and told me she couldn't breathe and to come home immediately. While Geoffrey and I raced home, I spoke to Nicholas getting updates on how she was doing and when I got within about a minute of home, I told him to get her down to the garage door so we could go to the hospital. When he tried to get her to come down the stairs, I heard her over the phone say that she couldn’t. Somehow, she had gotten down the stairs and was standing at the door when I walked in, but was unresponsive and a less than a minute later she had stopped breathing altogether. I immediately called 911 and while was on the phone when I started CPR and realized that her heart had also stopped beating. I continued CPR until the paramedics arrived and took over about 5 minutes later. The paramedics continued CPR for about 10 minutes while they got her stabilized enough to transport, and by the time we left in the ambulance, her heart was again beating.

At the hospital, the doctors worked through the night to get her stabilized. She was placed on an “iceman protocol” where they reduce the patient’s body temperature to 88-89 degrees to allow the brain to heal while minimizing swelling. Unfortunately, the damage to Lori’s brain from the lack of oxygen was extensive and after discussions with the neurologist and a thorough EEG (brain activity scan), I decided to remove the life sustaining drugs and equipment. Ironically, Lori and I had talked about this kind of situation only a couple of months ago and both decided that we do not want to continue on life support if the situation arose.

On Friday afternoon, I brought the family in one last time to say goodbye and tell her that they loved her, and sometime after 5:30 PM, the life support equipment was removed. She went quietly, with no pain. I held her, spoke to her, and comforted her the entire time. When she took her last breath, I held her close, kissed her, and cried as my sweet Lori passed away at 6:10 PM on Friday, June 17th, 2011.

I will always remember the nights we spent listening to her Daddy's CD's while playing Othello, or UNO, or just talking. I will never forget my first sight of that white dress as she walked down the aisle. She will always be the most beautiful girl in the world. When each of our boys were born, the look on her face was one of wonder, amazement, and pure overwhelming love. I will never forget that love we share. Our boys are a constant reminder of what can happen when two loves as strong as ours come together as one.

Geoffrey is very much like his father, stubborn and logical, but he has many of Lori’s traits. He is kind and thoughtful in everything he does. Nicholas is very much his mother’s son, loving, caring and emotional, but also has traits of his father. He loves the outdoors and simple minded entertainment. Together, they make a whole, Lori and I.

On that day, Lori finally went for a walk with her Daddy. I know how much she missed him, as we will miss her. It will be difficult, moving on, but her strength surrounds us. We know she will be with us in both happy and sad times.

My loving wife. My sunshine. I love you with all my heart, and all of my soul! 3!

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