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ACS Based Flight Lessons by License Type
Flight Instructor - Instrument (Airplane and Helicopter)

  1. Fundamentals Of Instructing
    1. The Learning Process
    2. Human Behaviour and Effective Communication
    3. The Teaching Process
    4. Teaching Methods
    5. Critique and Evaluation
    6. Flight Instructor Characteristics and Responsibilities
    7. Planning Instructional Activity
  2. Technical Subject Areas
    1. Aircraft Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment
    2. Aeromedical Factors
    3. Regulations and Publications Related to IFR Operations
    4. Logbook Entries Related to Instrument Instruction
  3. Pre Flight Preperation
    1. Weather Information
    2. Cross-Country Flight Planning, Regulations and Publications Related to IFR Operations
    3. Instrument Cockpit Check
  4. Pre-Flight Lesson on a Maneuver To Be Performed In Flight
    1. Maeuver Lesson
  5. Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedures
    1. Air Traffic Control Clearances
    2. Compliance with Departure, En Route, and Arrival Procedures and Clearances
  6. Flight by Reference to Instruments
    1. Straight-and-Level Flight
    2. Turns
    3. Change of Airspeed in Straight-and-Level and Turning Flight
    4. Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents
    5. Constant Rate Climbs and Descents
    6. Timed Turns to Magnetic Compass Headings
    7. Steep Turns
    8. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
  7. Navigation Systems
    1. Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and DME Arcs
    2. Holding Procedures
  8. Instrument Approach Procedures
    1. Nonpecision Instrument Approach
    2. Precision Instrument Approach
    3. Missed Approach
    4. Circling Approach (Airplane)
    5. Landing From a Straight-In Approach
  9. Emergency Operations
    1. Loss of Communications
    2. Loss of Gyro Attitude and Heading Indicators
    3. Engine Failure During Straight-and-Level Flight and Turns
    4. Instrument Approach - One Engine Inoperative
  10. Postflight Procedures
    1. Checking Instruments and Equipment

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Instrument Airplane - Airplane

Instrument Rating Syllabus

  1. Preflight Preparation
    1. Pilot Qualifications
    2. Weather Information
    3. Cross-Country Flight Planning
  2. Preflight Procedures
    1. Airplane Systems Related to IFR Operations
    2. Airplane Flight Instruments and Navigation Equipment
    3. Instrument Flight Deck Check
  3. Air Traffic Control Clearances and Procedures
    1. Compliance with Air Traffic Control Clearances
    2. Holding Procedures
  4. Flight by Reference to Instruments
    1. Basic Instrument Flight Maneuvers
    2. Recovery from Unusual Flight Attitudes
  5. Navigation Systems
    1. Intercepting and Tracking Navigational Systems and Arcs
    2. Departure, En Route, and Arrival Operations
  6. Instrument Approach Procedures
    1. Nonprecision Approach
    2. Precision Approach
    3. Missed Approach
    4. Circling Approach
    5. Landing from an Instrument Approach
  7. Emergency Operations
    1. Loss of Communications
    2. One Engine Inoperative (Simulated) during Straight-and-Level Flight and Turns (AMEL, AMES)
    3. Instrument Approach and Landing with an Inoperative Engine (Simulated) (AMEL, AMES)
    4. Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators
  8. Postflight Procedures
    1. Checking Instruments and Equipment

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